Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Positive Thinking - How to Set Yourself Up For a Great Day

While you can't always control what happens to you during the day, you can control how much it affects you. Your own thoughts and feelings are what create your inner reality. And your inner reality is what ultimately affects your mood and sense of well being. You can create the right mindset to keep your inner reality positive. One way to achieve this is to by using intentions and visualisation to set you up for a great day. 

First thing in the morning, when you first awaken, spend some time to think about how you'd like your day to go. Think about how you'd like to think and feel, rather than what you'd like to happen to you. Regardless of how many times you've watched "The Secret", thinking about winning a million dollars won't necessarily make it happen. Remember that you can control your reactions to events more than the events themselves. For example, if you have a big presentation at work, you can ask yourself what inner resources you would need to set yourself up for the day. Maybe you'd like more clarity, self-assurance and a feeling of calmness. Or you may want to feel more professional and speak with conviction. Only you know what you need. This is your day that you're setting up!

Grab a notebook and write these details down. Then get yourself in a comfortable position (but not lying down, you don't want to fall back to sleep!). Next take a couple of deep breaths and let your mind settle a little. Then spend a few minutes using your imagination to envision yourself thinking and behaving exactly as you as you'd like to for that day. Many people like to close their eyes to do this so that they can really focus on their visualisation. Make it as vivid as you can, with as many details as possible. Most importantly, allow yourself to really feel as if it's happening right now. Experience exactly how you'd like to feel throughout your day, with all the inner resources that you wrote down earlier. 

Once you've finished, you'll be feeling fantastic and completely confident about the day ahead! And as you go through your day, just notice all the positive thoughts and feelings that you have. Each time you recognise that you are using one of the inner resources that you wrote down that morning, you automatically reaffirm those positive feelings.

You don't need to wait for a special event to use this process. In fact, by going through this exercise on a daily basis, you will become better at both visualising your day and accessing your inner resources.

Another great way to access your inner resources is with self hypnosis. Visit today to claim your free self hypnosis download.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Two Articles To Put Positivity In Your Day

10 Steps to Start Thinking Positively

Ever find yourself dwelling on "what is going wrong ...?" Thinking about the bad stuff, what we did wrong, the mistakes that we made... all of those thoughts are habits. It's too easy for many of us to fall into that habit of negative thinking. It becomes easy to dwell of what we said or did wrong, instead of what we did right.

On the other hand, when we "do it right" how often to we give ourselves a pat on the back? We are our own worst critics, but the only value in that is the headache we get, that we think we deserve, from constantly whacking ourselves. Other people will tell us "good job," why can't we tell ourselves that? Heck, we'll tell THEM "good job," but say that to ourselves? It just doesn't feel right, right?

In the interest of starting down that path of "learning to think in a positive manner" here are ten steps to thinking positively.

1 - Focus on where you want to go, not where you've been. We've all made mistakes. Now it's time to think about what we want to do to take the next step forward. Set small, positive goals, think about them, and accomplish them.

2 - Learn to forgive yourself and others. Most of us are wherever we are in life because we put ourselves there. We all make bad choices from time to time, and now it's time to let that go. It's called forgiveness and we really can forgive ourselves for bad choices. The next step is to move forward and consistently work to make better choices.

3 - If the glass is half full, then fill it. Optimists are right at least as often as pessimists and have a lot more fun. There's nothing wrong with taking that half-full glass and filling it the rest of the way.

4 - Look for positive role models. We all need to find someone who inspires us. Maybe that person is someone who overcame a major handicap or maybe it's just someone who put one foot in front of the other, year after year, and came out very nicely in the end. Or maybe it's someone who just worked his or her pants off and won the big prize. Let that person be an inspiration.

5 - Change your atmosphere. Instead of listening to the news all the time put on a CD with a good motivational speaker or uplifting music. Most of the news is repeated many times a day and it's not intended to make us feel good.

6 - Headlines (including news stories) are designed to surprise, shock, and otherwise yank you into a story. Disaster and scandal sell, or so the publishers think. Read something uplifting instead. Visit your bookstore or library and make note of all the motivational type books they have available. Get one that feels right and read it.

7 - Read something positive everyday, preferably when you get up and right before you go to bed. Then think about it, in a positive way. Grab that book you picked up in step 6 and read it for 15 minutes morning and evening for 30 days.

8 - Visualize good things happening. It's too easy to visualize bad things happening. Bills, what the other person will say, "what if this happens..." and so on. Visualize the good thing happening. Visualize the project going well (whether it's homework or that next presentation) and people telling you that it was "good stuff!"

9 - Mistakes are something to learn from, not a bat to whack ourselves with. We all make mistakes, it's how we use them to move on that makes us better. So what if we "blew it" on the last effort, there is always a next time and we can always learn from what happened and do things differently the next time. That's how we improve.

10 - Dreamboarding is the practice of placing images of "what you want out of life" on a piece of posterboard and placing it where you can see it. Clip quotes and photos that resonate with you and where you want to be and place them on your board. Only use the images that you want, not what anyone else wants. As a reminder of where you want to take yourself and what you want to have. Some people have found dreamboarding to be very powerful.

Thinking in a positive manner is as much a habit as is thinking in a negative manner. The reason negative thinking is so easy is because we've had so much practice with it. Practice the positive thinking tips to overcome the bad habits and replace them with new ones.

Everyone, from you and me to those awesome Olympic athletes, has a set of habits and these habits either move us forward or hold us back. If we can learn the habits or the successful people, and practice them, then we also will move forward. Here's more on the habit training of successful people, the Olympic athletes.

Article Source:

How Optimism Can Help You

The way we approach our life is the same as the way we see a glass of water. A person who sees a glass half empty is deemed more pessimistic than another person who sees the glass half full. In the fast paced lifestyle in this society today, we are faced with challenges at work, and, at home. Whether we like it or not, these challenges do happen and we have to learn to face and deal with them. I know that its easier said than done.

A negative person will doubt his own self worth when something bad happens and they can't seem to get out of it. Some indulge in self pity, some defeat themselves saying that it is never going to end. They complain and lament but do nothing to settle the problem or accept that all the whining is not going to change anything. Learning to accept that the situation is not permanent but might be if it is allowed to snowball is very important. Turning a blind eye will not make the situation go away at all. In fact it might snowball into something bigger and get even more out of control. Once we survive through the ordeal, we would be wiser and better able to handle such situations in future.

This is what a positive person would think as they believe that bad things happen to make us stronger and the most important thing is we learn from such situations and we emerge stronger than before. Life is a learning experience in itself. We are constantly being tested on how strong we can be. Learning to embrace life's lessons and overcoming it is the only way out.

I get inspiration from articles that I read from magazines and books. However I translate them in my own words so that there is no copying involved.

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